Traveling over the sea with land in sight, the wind hurries across the width of the world to cool the piercing vigor of the sun. It calms and cools like a soft balm on a hot rash. And when its task is done, it rises with its fellows to carry out its healing someplace else. It is eternally devoted to stability and restoration.

But sometimes the wind blows into storm. It hustles and bustles through forests and plains, bending pines and rustling wheat as it whistles by. Often it brings the smattering rain, making animals and people take shelter. And sometimes, thunder roars and gives flashes of lightning a mighty character. But when it is as darkest, the wind always clears the weather and brings the rejuvenating energy of the sun, filling wet lands with warmth and people with hope.

Now the air has been cleared of all its pollutants and given its original scent and freshness which can only be felt on these rare occasions. And you breathe deep breaths and feel the still slightly moist air fill your lungs. It is crisp and brings clarity to your mind.

The wind continues its path along streams and trails, twisting and turning past every obstacle it encounters, picking up the spirit of every place it passes. And once in every wind’s lifespan, it becomes a breeze. The luckiest of breezes flows across the corners of the world and ends its long journey through the mouthpiece of a Kyla, bringing all the nature of its travels to your lips and down your lungs. A breath of air a thousand years in the making.